Screening of plastic materials

Screening of plastic materials

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The introduction of new compounds is usually very costly.

Just changing to a new or replacement material can be expensive.

Do you know this situation?

You need to process a new compound in the prototype phase on your production machines. This is often time-consuming and expensive. Due to the occupancy of your production equipment, you cannot process other valuable orders.

The approval process of replacement materials for existing plastic products can be very expensive if half your production is engrossed for a long time. This is especially true for extruded plastic components, but also for complex injection moulded parts.

  • But how can you severely limit the use of your production equipment (extrusion, injection moulding) for new products or materials?
  • How can you efficiently find, test and introduce substitute materials as second sources?

By searching for suitable materials on the market, systematically testing and examining the granulate in advance using laboratory equipment. Afterwards, only selected materials are considered!

We call this process material screening and offer it as a service.

A material screening includes the following steps

1. Selection of suitable materials with the customer

The customer already had a handful of materials that could be considered for the cable applications. We analysed the materials and did our own material research based on our supplier network and our market knowledge. In the end, together with the customer, we defined 15 materials that were interesting for the customer.

2. Setting up an experimental plan

Based on the customer’s requirements, a test plan was drawn up and discussed with the customer. The test plan included the following material tests:

  • Mechanical tests (strength and elongation at break)
  • Ageing
  • Media resistance with 2 to 4 oils (depending on material)
  • Hydrolysis
  • MFI
  • Density
  • Hardness according to Shore A/D
  • Fire tests
  • Cold tests

3. Procurement of the material in samples

For each of the 15 materials, the necessary sample quantities were ordered and stored.

4. Production of test specimens with our laboratory extrusion line / laboratory injection moulding line

The sample materials are conditioned (pre-dried) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Test specimens were produced on our laboratory extrusion line or injection moulding line

5. Testing (mechanical, etc.)

After the prescribed conditioning of the test specimens, they are tested in our in-house laboratory, e.g. tensile tests for elasticity and stiffness, etc.

If desired, ageing trials can also be carried out in various media such as air, moist air or oils and cleaning agents.

6. Summary of the results& recommendation 

For each material, the results are shown in the report and briefly summarised.

At the final meeting, the individual results are discussed and a recommendation is made by our polymer specialists.

Exactly this procedure was chosen with great success for a customer in the cable industry.

Our customer is a global company. Both new materials for new products and replacement materials for existing products play an important role. A total of 15 materials were “screened” with great success.

Our aim is to provide our customers with quick solutions to their challenges and to meet customer requirements as an efficient and flexible material supplier.

Xinomer AG
Hinterbergstrasse 15
CH- 6330 Cham
T +41 41 552 48 00